Setup (Docker)

Hardware requirements currently runs on a vServer with two cores and 8GB Ram, and uses about 60GB disk space - but since it needs to update the search index, it needs at least twice as much disc space. These are pretty much the minimum specs if you want to host a copy of a search index of all of gitubs public repositories (about 180 million in august 2021.)

To run a search index only containing everything else, a raspberry should be fine.

Creating your configuration

Create a config by copying .env.dist to .env and add the missing values. You can check Environment Variables, but it should be mostly self-explanatory.

Next, there is a file, which would start an instance of HubGrep. It contains redis db for caching, and postgres to store user data such as service-hosters which have been added.

You should check if the dockerfile contain the configuration you want (maybe you want to use another database, for example).

Also, it might be a good idea to make a copy of this dockerfile, so that you dont run into conflicts when pulling new versions of this repo.

First start

On the first start you need to run


This will spin up postgres, initialize the database, fetches a copy of the data needed to create the search index - and creates the first search index! After the script is finished, you should have hubgrep running on port 8080 by default (configurable in docker-compose.yml).

Updating the search index

To update the search index, run


This will essentially do the same thing as ./, but skips database initialization, and builds a second index while the first one is still up and working. When finished, it rotates the indexes and discards the old one, minimizing the downtime.

Starting the containers

To start the containers (HubGrep and needed services), run

docker-compose -f up

(or add a -d to detach).

Afterwards, the service should be accessible on http://yourip:8080.

Nginx setup

You likely want to serve via web-server, not with gunicorn (which serves the app, unless changed in the docker-compose file).

We recommended you do this so that you can add a certificate for https, and serve assets more efficiently.

If you use the file, there is already something set up: On startup, it links the built assets to ./static on the host, so you can set up your webserver to serve from there.

Alternatively, you can run flask cli copy-static /some/path inside the container.

You can find an example nginx config here.

Customizing the About Page

Set environment variable HUBGREP_ABOUT_MARKDOWN_FILE to a path containing a markdown file, and it will be rendered into the about page.