Development Setup

Create a config by copying .env.dist to .env, and add the missing values.

Then start the service and database

docker-compose up

Run the initial migration in the container:

docker-compose run --rm hubgrep_indexer /bin/bash
flask db upgrade

Add a Hosting Service

To actually do something, you need to add a Hoster as well. This could be done via cli. Right now there is only

flask cli import-hosters <path/to/hosters.json>

Where the hosters.json should have a list of Hosters, looking like this:

    "type": "gitlab",
    "landingpage_url": "",
    "api_url": "",
    "hoster_name": "",
    "api_key": ""
    "type": "gitlab",
    "landingpage_url": "",
    "api_url": "",
    "hoster_name": "",
    "api_key": ""
    "type": "gitea",
    "landingpage_url": "",
    "api_url": "",
    "hoster_name": "",
    "api_key": ""
    "type": "gitea",
    "landingpage_url": "",
    "api_url": "",
    "hoster_name": "",
    "api_key": ""

(Github is the only hoster that actually needs an api key - for all others, just leave it empty)

Afterwards you should be ready to set up and start a crawler!